
Gigs and jams are back, and so is The Blue Crew! Last spring we played meditative music at Church Neumünster, tropical grooves at Fête de la musique in Arenenberg, and finally got to organise our jam sessions again. More to come this year!
More info here: the-blue-crew.com/gigs

My young choir PhoniXang is looking for new voices for varied projects (charity concert, church service and Fête de la musique with befriended Chœur Francophone de Zürich, multi-generational "Zäller Wiehnacht" and a theatre project). Rehearsals on Tuesday evening.
More information: phonixang.ch

Having discovered Breathing Coordination and the incredible work of Robin De Haas, I now study therapeutic chanting, sound yoga, healing sound, singing bowls, overtone singing and other breathing techniques. Fascinating!

In memoriam Michel Corboz (14.02.34 - 02.09.21), who was already eternal by being alive. Incredibly expressive, exacting and excessive with his students and musicians, he often gave us a glimpse of Heaven in his deep interpretations of the sacred repertoire. The angels have probably reserved a special place for him with them, after such good service.